We try to make a camping trip to Kirby Cove an annual adventure, in spite of how difficult it is to secure a campsite down […]
Through The Lens
Max Turns 11!
“What do you want to do for your birthday, Max?” We were expecting a response along the lines of, “A birthday party at X with […]
July Powder Haus Week
Nothing on the docket this last week so the kids and I grabbed Ben Taylor from Petaluma on our way up to the mountains again […]
Marin Riding
A day riding in the headlands with Sam Olesky, followed by a swim at Rodeo Beach and early dinner in Chinatown
A Week in Arnold
It’s become a bit of a summer tradition to spend a week at the cabin in Arnold, we kept it up this year with plenty […]
A Wedding in Hampshire
Way back in 2018 Lisa hired an English intern for the harvest, Will Perkins. And then, thanks to Will’s skill with crafting sparkling wines, she […]
Powder Haus Kids Week
With summer in full swing and the kids off school I jetted up to Powder Haus with four kids in tow this week to enjoy […]
Soda Springs
A magic weekend up in the mountains with Granny Jenni and Gramps Greg
The 2024 HFFCF Fair
There is a whole additional level of commitment with sheep compared to last year’s rabbit project. Not just the amount of time one has with […]
The Fair Begins
Fair week is here with a bang: Max’s first year showing sheep and Lilia going for another round of horse showmanship and market rabbits. As […]
Tijuana Express
Tijuana Express to the Healdsburg Junior High end-of-year dance
Sugar Bowl Uphiller
I can only do so much spring skiing, so took the opportunity to join the climbers as part of this year’s Sugar Bowl Uphiller. The […]
Healdsburg Junior High Track Meet
A few pics of the athletes from this afternoon’s track meet at the high school…
Seattle Reign at Bay FC
Seeing an Earthquakes game has been on our to do list for many years, but the games are always pretty late in the evening and […]
Bootjack Loop
A magic hike in the redwoods into the top of Muir Woods on our way down to see a Bay FC NWSL game
First Shearing
All action at the ranch!
Miracle March Delivers Again
After skiing in sweaters and mountain biking gloves for a week over spring break the weather turned cold again this last weekend and March delivered […]
Third Weigh-In
The girls gaining wait very nicely at their third weigh-in. Angel was impressed with Max’s progress with the ladies, quite complimentary on his bracing, especially […]
Sugar Bowl Spring Break
We ordered the weather for the kids’ spring break up in the mountains: highs in the fifties (teens in celsius) on the slopes every day […]
Donner Peak and Eagle Rock
A few pics of a super fun spring tour with Paris up to Donner Peak and down to Eagle Rock…