Through The Lens

Kirby Cove and San Francisco

We try to make a camping trip to Kirby Cove an annual adventure, in spite of how difficult it is to secure a campsite down […]

Max Turns 11!

“What do you want to do for your birthday, Max?” We were expecting a response along the lines of, “A birthday party at X with […]

July Powder Haus Week

Nothing on the docket this last week so the kids and I grabbed Ben Taylor from Petaluma on our way up to the mountains again […]

Marin Riding

A day riding in the headlands with Sam Olesky, followed by a swim at Rodeo Beach and early dinner in Chinatown

A Week in Arnold

It’s become a bit of a summer tradition to spend a week at the cabin in Arnold, we kept it up this year with plenty […]

A Wedding in Hampshire

Way back in 2018 Lisa hired an English intern for the harvest, Will Perkins. And then, thanks to Will’s skill with crafting sparkling wines, she […]

Powder Haus Kids Week

With summer in full swing and the kids off school I jetted up to Powder Haus with four kids in tow this week to enjoy […]

Soda Springs

A magic weekend up in the mountains with Granny Jenni and Gramps Greg

The 2024 HFFCF Fair

There is a whole additional level of commitment with sheep compared to last year’s rabbit project. Not just the amount of time one has with […]

The Fair Begins

Fair week is here with a bang: Max’s first year showing sheep and Lilia going for another round of horse showmanship and market rabbits. As […]

Tijuana Express

Tijuana Express to the Healdsburg Junior High end-of-year dance

Sugar Bowl Uphiller

I can only do so much spring skiing, so took the opportunity to join the climbers as part of this year’s Sugar Bowl Uphiller. The […]

Seattle Reign at Bay FC

Seeing an Earthquakes game has been on our to do list for many years, but the games are always pretty late in the evening and […]

Bootjack Loop

A magic hike in the redwoods into the top of Muir Woods on our way down to see a Bay FC NWSL game

Miracle March Delivers Again

After skiing in sweaters and mountain biking gloves for a week over spring break the weather turned cold again this last weekend and March delivered […]

Third Weigh-In

The girls gaining wait very nicely at their third weigh-in. Angel was impressed with Max’s progress with the ladies, quite complimentary on his bracing, especially […]

Sugar Bowl Spring Break

We ordered the weather for the kids’ spring break up in the mountains: highs in the fifties (teens in celsius) on the slopes every day […]

Donner Peak and Eagle Rock

A few pics of a super fun spring tour with Paris up to Donner Peak and down to Eagle Rock…