Author: Sam

A Little History…

For those of us old enough to remember, a little history to inject into today’s collapse from Pat Pisapia… Oct 6, 1998: spot USD/JPY trades from […]

Point Reyes and Arch Rock

I found myself kicking myself on Sunday after taking a trip out to Point Reyes National Seashore that we haven’t explored the national park more […]

Google For $0.01?

When you look at the order books of listed stocks you’ll often see phantom bids at $0.01 and offers up at extraordinary levels like $1,000,000.00.  […]

Sonoma Sunset

On the way to the pub last Friday night and had my camera in the car, managed to snap a few photos along the way… […]

European Versus US Bank Leverage

There’s a lot of talk about leverage so here’s a comparison of assets versus equity.  Assets are from end of financial year, and they don’t […]

Who Pays For FDIC Insurance?

Doom and gloom from Ché Garcia… FDIC insures all accounts up to $100,000 at its member banks, and it has never failed to honor a […]

Fannie Mae Eases Credit Requirements

Check out this article from the New York Times in 1999. Doesn’t this just boil your blood?! Steven A. Holmes, September 30 1999 In a […]


Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts Jacqui Steele put me onto this book a while ago after I mentioned to her that Marching Powder is one of […]

The Ultimate Short Squeeze

As you can imagine, a lot of people involved in the financial markets these days are very edgy.  Millions of pairs of eyes are focused […]

Blowing Up

The Pink Lemon has been experiencing some pretty elevated amounts of traffic this month.  In fact, I would say the site has been blowing up.  […]

Why Paulson is Wrong

Luigi Zingales Robert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance University of Chicago When a profitable company is hit by a very large liability, as […]

San Francisco Mornings

I was on late shift this week and CalTrans decided it would be a good idea to close a southbound lane on 101 in Terra […]

Is It Over Yet?

Now and then I put posts up here not so much for other people to read (although if they do that’s why this is on […]

Warehouse Robots

I just thought this was a pretty cool story when I heard it on the radio this morning on the way to work.  Click the […]

Marshall Oysters

We took a bit of an impromptu trip out to Marshall on Sunday, had a hankering for some of Tony’s (right)oysters.  As usual, we weren’t […]

Calistoga and Alexander Mountain

Mountains behind the town of Calistoga Grapes in the sunset on the Johnson ranch   The pickers on Alexander Mountain in one of the chardonnay […]

Night Golden Gate

Definitely had my heart beating thinking about the Zodiac story while I was getting these yesterday morning…