Author: Sam

Early Snow!

Can someone please thank Chione for an early dump? Yee ha! (Chione, the snow-nymph, was the daughter of Boreas, the North Wind, and Oreithyia.)

Harvest Is Over!

The Young’s were kind enough to host a party last night to celebrate the end of the 2008 vintage, I think we counted something like […]


Infidel, Ayaan Hirsi Ali Mum gave me this book a while back and I read it earlier this year, just forgot to put it on […]

Yosemite, Muir Woods and Point Reyes

We had Tariq and Andrea visit us last weekend; with their recent move to New York City I’d been encouraging them since they moved to […]

The Zimmerman Wedding

The wedding at Saint Mary’s Church in Visalia The wedding party awaits the bride (left), Paul and Hilary lighting their candle (middle), Brooke and Mrs […]

The Bakker Dairy

We took a trip down to Visalia last weekend to attend the Zimmerman’s wedding, we stayed at the Bakker’s on Friday night before the wedding.  […]

Volkswagen Takes Off!

Finally, something that’s up!  Volkswagen almost tripled its market capitalization today, closing around 218 on Friday and reaching an intra-day high today above 625!  To put that […]

Circuit Breakers Kick In

I meant to put this up last Friday but got a little tied up…  Anyway, there’s been a lot of markets halted since this whole […]

Iceland Rescued?

A follow up to the post I put up about Iceland’s woes: Icelandic Freeze Iceland and the International Monetary Fund will probably announce an agreement […]

The New Lense

Sales of stock photos online recently funded the purchase of something I’ve been eyeing off for quite some time: an ultra wide-angle lense.  In the […]

Timeline: Global Credit Crunch

An interesting credit crunch timeline from BBC, thanks Ché Garcia (click on the image below for the full article).

Protected: Baby G

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Icelandic Freeze

This is a bit of an eye-opening story I read this morning.  For a country completely isolated out there in the Alantic it’s a very […]

Kinney Lakes

Been a busy week, so haven’t had a chance to put these up…  Anyway, Carol gave me a ride up to the mountains last weekend […]

San Joaquin Oaks

Some black-and-whites I snapped on the way back from the Sierras last weekend.

Let’s Just Close The Markets?

With the global rout of stock markets over the past few weeks, during which time we’ve seen almost a decade of economic growth disappear, some […]

Lightbox II

I’ve been searching for some time for a better way to display images on The Lemon. I recently came across a Java-based plug-in from a […]

Central Bank Execution-Style Rate Cuts

The Federal Reserve, European Central Bank and four other central banks lowered interest rates in an unprecedented coordinated effort to ease the economic effects of […]