Or maybe someone didn’t realize the amount to which Aussies like to drink and be merry at this time of year, thereby underestimating liquidity in […]
Author: Sam
It seems to have become a bit of a tradition that we take a trip to Arizona for Cheryl’s birthday each year, this year we […]
Alexander Mountain Snow
Some photos from Alexander Mountain. Man, it’s been cold here this week, probably one the coldest weeks in San Fran I can remember…
Mortgage Rates Left Behind
Americans seeking mortgages aren’t getting the full benefit of record low yields on Treasuries and government-supported mortgage bonds, blunting U.S. efforts to curb the housing […]
Salary Caps Make Me Laugh
Anyone paying even moderate attention to the headlines during all these bailout and bankruptcy hearings will be aware of the focus that’s been placed on […]
Sperm Wars
Sperm Wars, Robin Baker TB left this book at our house last year, thought we might find it an interesting read. Each chapter begins with […]
Are You Looking For A Job Or A Calling?
Written by Michael Lewis Recently I received a letter from a young employee of a well-known financial firm, who asked that I not mention his […]
Are You Looking For A Job Or A Calling: Responses
A selection of excerpted responses to Michael Lewis’s “Job Versus Calling” article posted above. I’ve kept the typography true to the senders, while their names are […]
Slow Pokes Driving You Crazy?
Jail For Pessimists
Scary stuff, thanks Sergey Gerasimov for the post (click on the image below for the whole article).
Thanksgiving Weekend
Kinney Reservoir (left) and Mosquito Lakes (right) alongside Highway 4 The Carson Iceberg Wilderness Wii Boxing (left), mashing potatoes (middle), and The Bird […]
S&P Moves
The number of days the S&P 500 has moved up or down more than 5% during the trading day: 1950 – 2006 = 34 days […]
Alexander Mountain
Protected: Trent From Punchy
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Deadbeat Homeowners Tap Texas Bankruptcy Laws
This pisses me right off. I pulled this off my newsfeed this morning. As I mentioned in Bail Out My Mortgage, skirting what is owed […]
Pirate Booty
A Saudi Arabian supertanker filled with two million barrels of crude oil was hijacked off east Africa and is now anchored close to the Somalian coast, […]
Padre Macho Burrito
Organic Bar Anyone?
A friend of mine is conducting marketing research for a potential organic concept in San Fran, if you’ve got a sec’ to complete the survey […]
“Good To Great” Index Not So Great…
Circuit City Stores and Fannie Mae show that companies singled out as great don’t necessarily make worthwhile investments. The companies were among 11 featured seven […]
Bail Out My Mortgage
I’ve kept quiet about this for quite some time. Mostly because it’s probably a pretty sensitive topic for some people. But, well, I can’t control […]