Yeah, we like Arch Rock, there’s a few posts on The Lemon featuring the arch out in Point Reyes National Seashore. But yesterday our trip out there was motivated not only by a desire to get outside but also somewhat by the fact that it’s the only stroller-accessible hiking tail in Point Reyes National Seashore. So we venture out to the coast again for the eight mile round trip walk, capping the day off with some of the Marshall Store’s fantastic oysters and a lamb dinner at the Bodessi’s. The Marshall Store’s oysters have to be the best in the Bay Area, hands down!
Fern tree growth on the Bear Valley Trail (left and right), and Bodessi 4WD stroller class (middle)
Kelham Beach from Arch Rock with Point Reyes across the bay in the distance (left top and bottom), Bear Valley Creek before it makes its way through Arch Rock into the ocean (top right and middle bottom), and Wildcat Beach from Arch Rock (bottom right)
Wildcat Beach from Arch Rock (left), and the Bodessis with Kelham Beach in the background (right)
A blue heron fishing for crawdads in Bear Valley Creek (right)
Tomales Bay in the sunset from the Marshall Store
Tomales Bay in the sunset from the Marshall Store (left), and the four of us waiting for our oysters at the Marshall Store (right)
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