The Zimmerman Wedding

The WeddingThe WeddingThe Wedding
The wedding at Saint Mary’s Church in Visalia

The WeddingThe WeddingThe Wedding
The wedding party awaits the bride (left), Paul and Hilary lighting their candle (middle), Brooke and Mrs V out the front of the church (right)

The WeddingThe WeddingThe Wedding
The newly married Hendersons (left), and the Ramona girls (middle and right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Connie and Javi at the church (left), Brooke and Kevin at the reception (middle), and the Cal Poly girls (right)

The ReceptionThe Reception
Bosom buddies (left), and the Cal Poly girls with the bride (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
The Bakkers with Hilary (left), the Kasbergen backyard (right), and Michele and Jim (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Jim and Tony (left), Michele and Tracy (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Connie and Nick (middle), and the newly-engaged couple (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Long time no see for Jen and Marcy (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Michele and Andi (left), father and daughter dance (middle), and a nice pink tie (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Jim and Michele with the Valtenbergs (left), another nice pink tie (middle), and the bridal party gets down (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Dan, Nick, Katie and Robin (left), Andi, Jeffrey and a nice pink tie [spot the out-of-place head] (middle), and the Machados with Nick (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
We’re getting drunk (left), and a couple of shots with Baby Barbera (middle and right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Gettin’ down with Wonderbread 5 (left), Paul with Jim and Michele (middle), and another nice pink tie (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Cheers to the bride (left), and more Cal Poly girls (middle and right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Andi with Baby Barbera (left), Tony and Andi (middle), and Mrs V with Tony and Andi (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Yes, that is Connie dancing, I have it on film (left), I believe we’re officially drunk now (middle), and Andi kicks it with the boyz (right)

The ReceptionThe ReceptionThe Reception
Beer goggles and a nice pink tie (left), a drunk hug with the groom (middle), and Nathan with his girlfriend (right)

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  1. Cant you crop me out of the pic with Katie L. That picture is awful!!

  2. I was NOT dancing!

  3. Looks like it was a successful evening!!! Wish we could have been there! Nice tie pic!

  4. My favorite is those cool glasses.

  5. Thanks for the crop.

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