Author: Sam

The Economists’ Hour

The Economists’ Hour: False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society, Binyamin Appelbaum Goodreads: The Economists’ Hour is the biography of a revolution: The […]

Farewell Gladys!

Sadly earlier this year Lisa’s grandmother Gladys bid us all farewell after an exceptionally good innings of 93 years. She passed during the early days […]

Happy (Outdoor) Halloween!

Lisa had the brilliant idea of orchestrating an Alexander Valley outdoor trick-or-treat loop with some of our neighbors here in the valley last night so […]

Doran Beach Camping

Great weekend out on the Sonoma Coast with the Mcgees. Managed to squeeze in a couple of surfs at Salmon Creek, beers on the beach […]

Limantour Beach

A beautiful day deep in Marin capped off with dinner at Due West

The Mosquito

The Mosquito, Timothy Winegard Goodreads: Why was gin and tonic the cocktail of choice for British colonists in India and Africa? What does Starbucks have […]

It’s Pumpkin Time!

Great morning yesterday picking our 2020 pumpkins at Foggy River Farm on Eastside Road just south of Healdsburg.

Angel Island

Trying to escape another little heatwave up north, we headed south to explore Angel Island today. The 9AM ferry took us over to the island, […]


Adventures during the 2020 harvest!

Nor Cal Heatwave

We definitely missed Mum – she was busy with the grape harvest – but we made the most of some new trails in JDSF all […]

The Walbridge Fire

As I write this on August 24, the Walbridge Fire and associated LNU Lighting Complex definitely isn’t contained, but as humidity has risen and winds […]

Gas Cap and Confusion

Made a day trip out to JDSF for the day to escape the smoke from the Walbridge Fire, we also managed to snag some beach […]

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari Goodreads: How do computers and robots change the meaning of being human? How do we deal […]

Happy Birthday Wild Man!

In these days of COVID, we had a rare occasion to get all dressed up: out to dinner in Healdsburg for Wild Man’s seventh birthday! […]

Week at the Cabin

A ripper week at the cabin: a ride every day, swimming in Lake Alpine (twice), fishing in Beaver Creek, campfires out the back and plenty […]


A quick jaunt through Annadel on our way home from the coast…

American Predator

American Predator, Maureen Callahan Goodreads: Ted Bundy. John Wayne Gacy. Jeffrey Dahmer. The names of notorious serial killers are usually well-known; they echo in the […]