Tomales Point

InvernessPierce Point Ranch at the Tomales Point trailheadRelics of yesteryear at Pierce Point Ranch

Greg and Lisa snacking on a chocolate chip cookie before we started walkingPierce Point Ranch at the Tomales Point trailheadToday we ventured out to Point Reyes National Seashore with the JAMERS Hiking Group for a walk to Tomales Point.  Unfortunately today we didn’t score similar weather to when Jarrid and I hiked the trail during January (Tomales Point), but it was fun to take our first lengthy hike with Lilia in tow.  The roughly eight mile (13 kilometer) walk was mostly through dense fog, but it was cool to see all the beautiful wildflowers out for spring.  California Poppies and irises were everywhere!  The new baby backpack that Laura and Jerry gave us as a gift also got its first use, it’s a little big for Lilia at the moment but Gianna enjoyed a ride in it on Jarrid’s back.  On our way home we followed the Bordessas to Drake’s Bay Oyster Farm and stocked up on a couple of dozen, what better way to end a Saturday than with a couple of dozen BBQ oysters?!

Jarrid and Gianna on their wayThe trail through the fog to Tomales PointCalifornia Poppies aboundBruce and JohnThe trail to Tomales PointIrises out for springStopped for a snackJarrid and GiannaGiannaLisa now a pro at outdoor feedingLisa now a pro at outdoor feedingLisa walking through the wildflowersSam with Lilia in the Ergo PackTeamwork getting Gianna into the backpackDrake's Bay Oysters

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  1. Sorry I didn’t get to visit with you much as I was in the front, but 5 of us made it to the point. Thanks for the pics, and Lisa, my orchid is still beautiful!

  2. those oysters looked almost as good as ours

  3. I bet your garlic bread wasn’t a patch on mine though, Jeezy…

  4. Pingback: One Month | The Pink Lemon

  5. Tu Familia Quintero

    WOW, Lisa!!! An 8 mile hike 1 month after birthing and you are nursing, too! You are not only a GREAT Mom, but in great shape, too! Well done! 🙂

    And I can almost taste the oysters!

  6. This is awesome, already out hiking around getting Lilia acclimated to outdoor activites…….and the oysters must have tasted great.

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