Tomales Point

Point Reyes National SeashoreWith our significant others out of town for the long weekend, Jarrid and I ventured to Point Reyes National Seashore yesterday to hike the roughly 10 mile round trip to Tomales Point.  It was one of those perfect winter days that come around only a few times a year: clear skies, no wind and warm enough to wear shorts.  The native Tule Elk that inhabit the northern section of Point Reyes National Seashore are a big Bull Tule Elkattraction to Tomales Point.  They were out in full force during our hike, awesome to see the bulls with their towering antlers on display.  To finish off, a trip to Point Reyes is never complete without a visit to the Marshall Store for some oysters and a beer…

The western side of Point Reyes National Seashore looking north toward Tomales PointTule ELk crowding the trail on the way to TomalesPointTule Elk next to the trail to Tomales PointFive bull Tule Elk with Tomales Bay in the backgroundTomales Point with Bodega Head in the distanceBird RockHikers having lunch with Bird Rock in the backgroundDillon Beach LandingSam and Jarrid at Tomales PointTule ElkThis way...Bull Tule ElkThe fog rolls in on Point ReyesSunset over Tomales BayEnjoying some oysters at the Marshall Store on the way homeThe fog rolling in over Tomales BayReward after a 10 mile walkReward after a 10 mile walkReward after a 10 mile walk

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  1. Thanks Sam, your pictures will hopefully inspire alot of Jamers hikers. We checked it out yesterday and think it will work well, John and Lynn

  2. Pingback: Tomales Point | The Pink Lemon

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