4H Horse Showmanship

The big day arrived: the 2023 Healdsburg HFFCF Fair horse showmanship event was this morning at Hoofbeat Park. Lilia and all her 4H team members had been prepping for months for the day, practicing their presentation and horse etiquette over and over. Lilia and Lisa were up at the crack of dawn putting in braids, and then down at Red’s Riding School before 7AM to prep Belle (Lilia’s horse for showmanship) one last time before the event. It was a really fun morning, a lot of anxiety in the air at being under the watchful eye of the (very friendly) showmanship judge but everyone performed very well without any major mishaps. A few disqualifications here and there for horses going around cones on the wrong side or stepping on cones, which was unfortunate, but it was a great learning experience for all the kids in the novice class. Lilia placed sixth out fo the field, snagging herself her first 4H ribbon in the process. Cam managed to sweep the field and place first in novices, then went up to juniors and placed second there! A horse lady through and through…

Horse showmanship kicks off the fair this year, lots of work this week getting the bunnies ready for showing on Friday and the auction on Saturday evening. A fun time of year for us all!

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  1. Greg and Kathi

    So very, very proud of Lilia and the family for their hard work and dedication to 4 H. Congratulations for a job well done!
    Love ya,

  2. Congrats to Lilla and family too ? for participation in the 4 H Horse Showmanship. It takes time and patience working with a horse. Again, congratulations.
    Uncle Al

  3. April Bennett Lance

    Fantastic showing Lilia! Congratulations to you and your fine looking horse.

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