Back On The Planks!

After a two year hiatus it was great to get back on the planks for an early season day at Alpine Meadows. It was the first time in quite a while the resorts in Tahoe opened before Thanksgiving, so the kids, Maysen and I shot up for a day to get our ski legs under us for the season. Poor Lisa had a bout of food poisoning the night before we headed up so was stuck at home for the day bent over the porcelain! Everyone was a little rusty for the first few runs – hands back and sitting in the back of their boots – but after an hour or so form returned and the kids were all off to the races. Conditions needed to be a little colder and I chose my gloves poorly for the day, ending up with soaking wet hands during some of the dumping snow during the mid-afternoon. I was done by about 1:30PM but the kids all pleaded with me to keep skiing. I’ll brave wet hands and a drenched bum for kids that want to keep skiing, anytime!

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  1. Impressed by the devotion to ski under the wet conditions and for the rapid improvement of the kids for memory recall of their skills.
    Congrats on kicking it off early!

  2. Lilia Valtenbergs

    So fun!!!

  3. You guys have more snow than in Idaho….I’ve been out 2 days. Day1 – ski ? on light powder (5inches). It took me 2 runs to regain confidence. Of course, I need to ski more for better performance.
    Day2 was chunk powder much heavier snow ? condition . My legs just not strong enough. I need to ski more for better performance.

  4. We’re ready for you anytime here in California, Uncle Al! Kids would love to ski with you again.

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