Happy 80th Birthday Pops John!

We all gathered on Sunday at Estia in Henley Beach to celebrate Pops John’s 80th milestone. It was a wonderful day with so many familiar faces, delicious wine and exquisite food. It was over way too quickly but so fun to see it all come together.

And for completeness, Fritz’s speech as written by Todd Baldwin:

Firstly I’d like to apologize for not being able to attend this grand occasion in person. As you are aware, we are eagling anticipating the birth of another child, and given our history of premature arrivals am unable to make it down to SA. 

I’d like to point out that there is a little bit of irony here because over the eight-or-so years of working together, I didn’t arrive prematurely for a shift on one singular occasion! Oh how I miss those eight hour blocks conducted in total silence as you’d not so subtly let me know that being three minutes late was actually not okay. 

Seriously though, from the first time I met you and Jenni, your generosity and genuine interest in my wellbeing has been incredible and is something that I will be forever grateful for. 

Obviously you lining me up a job at Vintage Cellars and Sam subsequently doing the ground work around me doing a vintage in California has been life changing for not only myself but also for a number of people in the room today.

The bond that has been created from those years at 3035 have obviously been enduring, the old Volt as our fearless leader! A leader not interested in any type of customer service ethos, but very keen on viewing stock deliveries as some kind of work out that you got paid to do, constantly challenging authority figures and accepting coffees from struggling students keen to make amends after arriving 20 minutes late for a shift.

Bringing renegades such as Ryan “Ryno” Clancy, Fritz Pfeiffer, Squiddy Dolan and Hammer Harrison as well as “freshies” like Big Mig Craven, Long John Daley and Tomo Thompson into the mix only added to the lackadaisical nature of this workplace and a company culture that I yearn to return to.

Beyond Vintage Cellars, your hospitality has also had a lasting impact on me… Goulash, sauerkraut, calzone, aged riesling and raw tuna are all pretty eye opening experiences to a boy from Broken Hill. Afternoons, late nights and very early mornings spent “sampling” the range in your liquor cabinet and shooting the breeze on your front lawn are such bloody great memories.

Johnny, I know it’s all about you today but I’d like to take a quick opportunity to thank Jenni and Steve for being so kind to both myself and Celia. We value your friendship very much 

Sam, although sometimes I feel like punching you out, I love you like a brother and much respek to you and your wonderful wife Lisa for all your support over the last 25 years. I really do appreciate it mate.

And to Johnny, happy 80th birthday: thanks for the hours of expletive filled voicemail messages (something I know that is shared by several members of 3035), letters filled with questionable advice and hours on the phone disagreeing about the outcomes of football games and election results… Your the best bloody second dad a bloke could ask for.

Have a great day and best wishes!

Toddy, Cils, Easton and Bruce Boy

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  1. A great birthday celebration for the Pops. Congratulations John!

  2. What a great party!!!

  3. So sorry to miss this cheerful event. 80 years! What a legend!!!! Looking great and doing great Pops John, keep it up!

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