Cabin With The Garcias

Joey and LiliaLilia and Joey getting to know each otherWe just spent what was probably the last weekend of summer weather at the cabin with the Garcia family: Che, Ally, James (aged five), Ava (aged three) and Joey (nine months).  A lot of fun with four little ones scooting about, Lisa and I were both amazed at how fast Joey crawled about, a little bit daunting to think that Lilia could be like that in three months!  Lilia had never really dealt with other babies as active as Joey, she wasn’t too sure about getting her pacifier (dummy) pulled out of her mouth and for Joey to crawl on top of her as she was lying on the ground!  Very funny for all of us parents to watch how the two related to each other.

James arrived at the cabin with a bug to go fishing for wild trout, so early on Saturday morning Che, James and I ventured down to Candy Rock on the Stanislaus River to throw in a line.  It was still dark when we were hiking down to the river, James traversed the boulder-strewn river like a champ and pulled in a seven inch swimmer with Dad.  I snagged some larger ones and took them home for lunch, James giving one of the heads a kiss before it found its way into the trash during the cleaning process.

James getting ready to kiss one of the troutJames, Ava and Che watching me clean the troutJoeyJoe checking out one of the trout headsLisa sharing a snack with Ava and JamesAvaJamesAfternoon sun

Joey enjoying the poolOn Saturday afternoon Che and I were sitting on the deck with a beer when Joey came barreling out of the house on all fours and proceeded over to the kiddy pool in the corner of the deck.  Both Che and I smiled to ourselves as we watched the little nine month old warily pull himself up to the edge of the pool.  He cautiously put a leg then an arm over the edge until the little fell was sloshing around in the pool, diaper full of water and clothes absolutely saturated.  But he could care less, he made his way in and out of the pool at least 10 times, giggling the whole time and giving the adults quite a laugh.

The fire was a big hit with the kids, after dinner marshmallows a tantalizing thought as we whiled away the late afternoon surrounding the coals.  Ava and James were all tuckered out after dinner, we found them both passed out on the couch when it was finally time for toasting marshmallows on the fire!

Che and James by the fireLisa and Lilia by the fireLisa and Lilia by the fireChe and Ava by the fireFamily Garcia by the fireJames taking some fashion tips from Elton JohnAlly and JoeyThe campfireJoeyLilia soothing her gumsLisa relaxing on the deckJoey looking after LiliaLilia and JoeyLilia sitting confidently by herself

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  1. Good fun, good pictures, John and Lynn

  2. So sweet… We had a blast. Thank You family Valtenbergs!

  3. Awesome photos…love the beer bottle. Nice lake shot and Joey Enjoying the Pool – that goes on a wall, very nice.

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