Jim McGarry’s been raving about dinner’s on the beach at the mouth of the Estero since he moved to Petaluma all those years ago. Jarrid […]
Independence Day Long Weekend at the Cabin
Had a fantastic weekend up at the cabin for Fourth of July long weekend. I think this was our biggest crowd yet, 14 partygoers in […]
The Lure of Currency ETFs
An interesting article sent to me today about some of the ETFs I’ve recently been working on. Someone had a good idea just at the […]
Thanks to Patrick Pisapia for this time-waster. Good for a slow day at work… Flitzebogen Bow and Arrow Game
FJ40: Facelift
Progression of the rear from original rusted condition (top left) through grinding (top middle), preparation (top right and bottom left), priming (bottom middle) and the […]
Confessions of a Money Manager With Nowhere to Go
David Pauly, Bloomberg News Dear shareholders of the Sophocles Value Fund: Sorry to tell you this, but I’m stumped. There’s no place I can invest […]
Quit Hammering the Speculators
On the radio, in the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, wherever I go, mysterious “speculators” get blamed for the hike in prices of commodities. Particularly oil. […]
G. Halls in California
The Golden Gate Bridge on my way to work (left) and the Bridge from the Presidio (middle and right) Halls on The Golden Gate Bridge […]
Summer Solstice Golden Gate Bridge
Arnold Tree-Felling and Fishing
Luke fishing on the Stanislaus River (left) and one of our catch (right) Luke fishing on the Stanislaus River (left and right) Getting […]
Adelaide, Minlaton and Sydney
We ventured Down Under for a couple of weeks for the first time in over two years for me and three years for my better […]
Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know
Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know, Ranulph Fiennes A present from my lovely wife (big props on finding this one for me), Mad, Bad and […]
Opium for Wheat
An interesting result of the soaring cereal crop prices: the Taliban are having their heroin cash crop usurped by farmers who want to reap the […]
We all drove down to Lake San Antonio near King City on Friday to compete in the annual Wildflower Triathlon. Mrs V. raised over $3,300 […]
Photos of the Year
Unfortunately I can’t take any credit for these masterpieces. Kudos to National Geographic for these shots.
Petaluma Singletrack
A couple of shots of the local rides on the west side of town…
Inga Dam
A lot of people probably think the building of a massive hydroelectric dam in a developing African nation is a good thing. Economic stimulation, sustainable […]
No Sex at Deutsche Bank
Looks like the executives over at Deutsche are going to be forfeiting some of the pleasantries they’ve gotten used to. I mean, c’mon, don’t you […]
Before the Dawn
Before the Dawn, Nicholas Wade Art kindly shipped his second copy of this book to me from Seattle, a very enlightening and interesting read. Given, […]
Dollar Surprise
Yesterday at work…