Lilia turned two last week so we took the opportunity to enjoy some of the last days of summer in Australia and celebrated the end […]
French Polynesia
Sitting on BART (the train) on the way to the airport to meet Lisa and Lilia for our flight to Papeete, the capital city of […]
Glacier National Park
From the Quintero’s in Cascade we made the roughly three hour drive northwest across the wide open plains of central Montana to the eastern reaches […]
Central Montana
A couple of weeks ago family Valtenbergs ventured east to central Montana to catch up with Lisa’s uncle as he made his way on his […]
Death Valley
Neither Lisa or I had ever visited Death Valley National Park and December and January are supposedly the best months to visit climate wise, so […]
Melbourne and the Stobie Wedding
From Adelaide we shot over to Melbourne for a few days to attend a wedding between my cousin Amy and her fiancé Andrew. We bunked […]
We’re just finishing up an almost two week visit to my home town of Adelaide, Lilia is now quite the little traveler after an almost […]
New Brighton State Beach
Lisa took Lilia for her first camping trip this week as they ventured south to New Brighton State Beach with Carol, Greg, the Westobys and […]
Our Walkabout
Link to our other website cataloging our travels through Europe, Southeast Asia and around Australia during 2009 and 2010: Our Walkabout
Banff and Lake Louise
We spent the last week in Banff in Alberta, Canada to celebrate Greg’s 60th birthday as well as Mrs. V’s 30th. We split our time […]
It seems to have become a bit of a tradition that we take a trip to Arizona for Cheryl’s birthday each year, this year we […]
Adelaide, Minlaton and Sydney
We ventured Down Under for a couple of weeks for the first time in over two years for me and three years for my better […]
New Providence and Staniel Cay
With all the wet weather we’ve been having, we decided it was time for a bit of sun during winter so we ventured southeast to […]
Taos Winter Wine Festival
The winemaker of the family was asked to represent Kendall-Jackson at the Taos Winter Wine Festival this last weekend in Taos, New Mexico. Somehow I […]