Author: Sam

Ken Block’s Ultimate Playground

I’ve seen a few Ken Block videos before, but this is one of him tearing up the closed streets of San Francisco is certainly a […]


Found this hiding on the flash drive in my camera, a shot from one the super clear mornings we were having a month or so […]

Glacier National Park

From the Quintero’s in Cascade we made the roughly three hour drive northwest across the wide open plains of central Montana to the eastern reaches […]

Central Montana

A couple of weeks ago family Valtenbergs ventured east to central Montana to catch up with Lisa’s uncle as he made his way on his […]

Thinking Fast and Slow

Thinking Fast and Slow

Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman I’ve been a big fan of Danny Kahneman ever since I was introduced to his teachings as part of Terry […]

The End of Illness

The End of Illness

The End of Illness, David B. Agus Perhaps my hopes were a little high for this book.  After all, if someone really had a recipe […]

Waterskiing in Visalia

We spent a very fun weekend down in southern California last weekend with the Bakkers, after our trip last year Lisa was organizing another one […]

Northern Territory Off-Road

Fortunately we were never stupid enough to attempt something like this during our travels, but this video is just another reason that we’ll always be […]

Work Weekend at the Cabin

The three of us ventured up to Arnold last weekend to help Carol, Greg, Gail and Randy with getting the cabin ready for summer.  Cleaning […]

Another Visit From Granny Jenni

My mum recently spent a couple of weeks in Hawaii and figured that if she was only five hours flight from us she might as […]

I Walk Now

We’ve been working on this walking thing for a few months now.  We actually thought Lilia was going to start walking around the 10 month […]

Vaccination Rates: Herd At Risk

It has become quite the trend – espeically where we live – for parents to refuse the vaccinations recommended for their children.  It’s very frustrating […]

A Weekend With Dad

There really is no better therapy for an atrocious week at work than a weekend one-on-one with your one year old daughter.  Makes one forget […]

Keep Australia On Your Left

Keep Australia On Your Left, Eric Stiller A little while back I found myself in the rare situation of not having any new books in […]

Muddy Hollow Trail

It was the monthly JAMERS hiking meet today, Carol and Greg organized an ambitious route through the northern section of Point Reyes National Seashore for […]

Tennessee Valley Beach

While Lisa was on the plane back from Chicago this morning Lilia and I took a trip down to Tennessee Valley Beach.  The Surly got […]

What Sound Does A Lion Make?

We haven’t had much luck with animal sounds yet, when Lilia tries to imitate a kitten it sounds the same as a cow. There is […]